Good Nutrition
Kids today are bombarded with ads for junk food and tempted by sugary cereals and snacks in cartoon-covered boxes—no wonder encouraging them to eat healthy, nutritious foods can be a challenge. The struggle can be even tougher if a child is under severe stress. At any age, stress can break down good intentions and self-control, sending a person down a path of unhealthy choices. Over time, stress eating can lead to obesity, mood and sleep problems, and other health issues.
The good news is that there are a few simple things you can do to help young bodies and brains get the right nutrition to operate at their best. Here are some ways to encourage healthy eating habits:
Eat together as a family
Consistent, healthy routines can help children feel safe and trusting of the world around them—and mealtime is one of the most important daily routines for a family. Set aside a specific time for meals and eat together as often as possible. Age doesn’t matter—even babies can bang their spoon and enjoy the family table!
Ditch the distractions
Avoid screens (such as the television and cell phone screens) during mealtimes. No matter how tempting, don’t answer the phone if it rings -- use the time to talk, share, and connect.
Eat breakfast every day
Enjoying a healthy and complete breakfast helps your child start the day with a store of good energy. Try matching up a protein (such as milk, eggs, yogurt, cheese, soy, or peanut butter) with whole grains (oatmeal, whole grain cereal, or whole-wheat bread). Top that off with a favorite fruit for more minerals and vitamins. Children and adults who eat breakfast daily are less likely to be overweight.
Serve lots of colorful vegetables and fruits
Aim for at least 5 servings a day. Choose fresh, frozen, or canned options and add them to what kids already eat. Try sprinkling berries or slices of banana into kids’ cereal. And show kids how to make some “secret” family recipes for collard greens, borsch, nopales, bok choy, or other favorite veggies.
Use whole grains
Instead of white rice or white bread, try swapping out for whole grains (like brown rice and quinoa) or foods made from whole grains (like whole-grain pasta, 100% whole-wheat bread, or whole-grain cornbread).
Serve healthy protein
Growing kids—and adults too—need the muscle-building, body-fueling proteins found in fish, eggs, poultry, and plant-based options like beans, lentils, peas, and nuts.
Put a lid on soda
Help your child develop the habit of reaching for water first. Limit juices, soda, and sugary drinks. Eliminating one large soda a day and replacing it with water could result in a weight loss of 14 pounds a year.
Get your children involved
Encourage your children to make some meal choices (“Would you rather snack on an apple or an orange?”). Use the kitchen as a place to enjoy each other’s company and conversation. There’s another plus, according to some researchers: Boys are more likely to talk and open up while cooking (or watching you cook) than in a sit-down talk.
Harvard School of Public Health. Kid’s Healthy Eating Plate. Accessed January 25, 2018.
American Academy of Pediatrics. Healthy Eating at Home Matters! Accessed January 25, 2018.
American Academy of Pediatrics. Energy In Energy Out: Finding the Right Balance for Your Children. 2014.
Romeo J, Warnberg J, Gómez-Martínez S, Díaz LE, Marcos A. Neuroimmunomodulation by nutrition in stress situations. Neuroimmunomodulation. 2008;15(3):165-9.
Yousafzai AK, Rasheed MA, Bhutta ZA. Annual Research Review: Improved nutrition--pathway to resilience. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2013 Apr;54(4):367-77.
Pervanidou P, Chrousos GP. Metabolic consequences of stress during childhood and adolescence. Metabolism. 2012 May;61(5):611-9.