Stress Health
Stress Health is about learning how the stress that humans live with can have adverse effects if there is too much for too long – the emphasis of this aspect is on stress. It also emphasizes the importance of overall health – the focus of this aspect is on health. Thus came Stress Health.
It all starts here. see, every family goes through some adversity. For some families, however, the adversities are too many for a child’s stress response. If you’re a parent in this situation, fostering supportive relationships is the best thing you can do to help your kid. Here are some ways to make that happen.
It Starts at Infancy
The little games we play with our babies have some pretty compelling science behind them. Playing peek-a-boo, singing or reading stories can help your baby develop millions of neural connections per second. So do the small things; they have a big impact.
Connect to Community
Human beings need social connection to lead healthy lives. Constructive social engagement and connectedness creates meaningful connection to a community. Family events, community activities, local church programs, sports, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are all great options here.
Know Your Kids, Know Their Friends
Friends become powerful influences on children, especially as they grow older. Who are your child’s three best friends at school?