Juniors and Seniors ONLY - First come, First Served, Maximum of 50 Players. All participants will receive a personal promotional video produced by All Star Films featuring the player performing skills and drills that can be accessed by college recruiters all over the country. In essence, placing a spotlight on our city's most precious resource is our YOUTH. Additionally, each student athlete will receive an official combine uniform, Swag Bag, & 1 year FREE subscription to NCSA College Recruiting service. If you know of a SF High School Football player that may be interested, please pass this info along. We only have 50 spots available, so hurry they are going fast. . For more info, please contact: 415-820-1516. Additional, Professional Laser Timed Testing Results, Free Rapid COVID Testing - Results in 15 min or less. FREE. More info visit https://www.sfbrownbombers.org/
Please register here.